
Due to high volume of orders, most orders placed today will take an extra 5 days for production and delivery. Expedite shipping is not available at the moment.


Q1: Hva er IPD?

A: IPD stands for interpupillary distance—which means the distance between the center of your eyes. There is a space in our product page for you to fill in and please use the distance IPD when ordering. If there is no IPD on your prescritption form, you can download a mobile app named "eyemeasure" from google play store or apple app store, and you can use the app to measure the IPD.

The reason why IPD/PD is optional is that we will only make adjust for people with extreme IPD values, for people's eye which are in the range of 62-70 IPD, no adjustment will be made.

Q2: På reseptskjemaet mitt er det to verdier for IPD, hva skal jeg skrive inn?

A: Noen reseptskjema har kun én IPD, mens andre indikerer venstre PD og høyre PD separat. For de som kun har én IPD på skjemaet, skriv bare verdien i tekstboksen. For de som har to verdier på skjemaet, vennligst skriv inn informasjonen i følgende format: V: (Ditt venstre øyes PD), H: (Ditt høyre øyes PD).

Q3: Do you make progressive lenses? 

A: Progressive spectacles have 2 or more prescriptions in one pair of glasses. That allows you to do close-up work (like reading a book), middle-work (like checking out a website on a computer), or distance viewing (like driving) without needing to change your glasses. They are sometimes called Multifocal Lenses.

Progressive lenses does not work well in VR as in real life, and single focal lenses will be a better type of lenses for viewing in VR. Therefore, VR WAVE only make lenses for single focal lenses in VR. Progressive lenses’ wearer shall follow the below guidelines when ordering from VR WAVE.

For customers that wear bi-focal spectacles in real life, it is recommended to use the distance prescription to place the order. For customers that wear tri-focal spectacles, it is recommended to use the intermediate prescription to place the order. Despite the recommendation, the effects of the lenses will vary among individuals, thus we highly recommend customer to try out which prescription type works best for them in VR before ordering. In this way, you are able to put your correct prescription on our website.

Q4: Lese eller avstandsresept?

A: If you have intermediate prescription (tri-focal situation), use the intermediate prescription will be the best, but if your prescription is bi-focal, use the distance prescription to place the order. If you only see one set of value on your prescription form (single-focal), simply use the numbers on the prescription form to place the order.

In VR, the normal viewing distance is approximately 5 meters, so you should either use the distance/intermediate prescription to place the order, depending whether you are tri-focal or bi-focal.

Q5: Bør jeg bruke min kontaktlinseresept eller brilleglassresept når jeg bestiller?

A: You should use your eye glasses prescription when ordering. If you only have contact lenses' prescription information with you, the PWR value can be converted to SPH. The value PWR will equal to SPH. For example if your PWR of OD is 3.50, your should enter -3.50 as the SPH value on our website. You can ignore the BC and DIA value on your contact lenses' box. The SPH converted should always be in negative because contact lenses can only correct nearsightedness which is represented in minus.

Hvis du har astigmatisme, må du også skrive inn tilsvarende verdi for CYL og AXS. Ingen verdijustering er nødvendig for CYL og AXS når du bruker kontaktlinsenes verdi for å bestille.

Vær oppmerksom på at når du bruker kontaktlinsenes resept for å bestille, velger du den negative verdien for SPH, IKKE plusstegnet.

Q6: Should I use the glass spacer when using VR WAVE lenses?

A: It is recommended to use the glass spacer so as to increase the distance between the lenses and your eyes. In rare cases, some customers who has bigger noses will have the lenses touching the nose, and using the glass spacer can alleviate the potential issue.

Q7: What is the shipping rate and shipping time?

A: Vi bruker DHL/UPS/TNT/FEDEX/USPS for å sende ut linsene, prisene er som følger:

US domestic
Expedite: USD$19 dollars (8-12 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$8 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)
For Alaska, Gaum, and Hawaii, shipping fee will be USD$18, shipping time is 12-16 days
We do not support air force addresses

Expedite: USD$18 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$12 dollars (16-21 days including manufacturing time)

Expedite: USD$35 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)

Expedite: USD$18 dollars (7-10 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$8 dollars (10-18 days including manufacturing time)

Expedite: USD$11 dollars (8-12 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$7 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)

På grunn av uforutsigbare logistikkskjemaer har vi midlertidig stanset forsendelser til Russland inntil videre.

Expedite: USD$21 dollars (5-10 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$10 dollars (9-18 days including manufacturing time)

Specific zones: Israel, South Africa, Brazil, Mexico
Standard: USD$18 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)

Rest of the world
Standard: USD$17 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD 9 dollar (~30 dager, inkludert produksjonstid)

Middle East
Standard: USD$25 dollars (8-11 days including manufacturing time)

Expedite: USD$20 dollars (7-10 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$10 dollars (10-18 days including manufacturing time)

South America
Standard: USD$15 dollars (35-40 days including manufacturing time)

Expedite: USD$20 dollars (8-12 days including manufacturing time)
Standard: USD$10 dollars (12-16 days including manufacturing time)

Free shipping for orders more than USD190 disregarding regions.

Q8: Are you lenses high-index? Why I do not see the high-index option?

A: For lenses with higher prescription we automatically make your lenses as high index (thinner), so that the prescription lenses will not touch the headset's lenses. We do not charge extra for high-index because high-index is necessary for high prescription.  

Q9: What is your return policy?

A: Siden reseptbelagte linser er spesiallagde produkter, godtar vi ikke returer for feil bestilling av resept på grunn av kundens feil. Vennligst vær oppmerksom på reseptinformasjonen din når du legger inn bestillingen.

Vi vil tilby kundeservice for å gjøre hver kunde fornøyd.

For any cases, you should contact us at

Q10: How can I ensure my credit card information is securely protected?

A: Vi bruker to betalingsleverandører, som er Stripe og PayPal. Begge selskapene er anerkjente betalingsbehandlere, og VR WAVE vil aldri ha tilgang til kredittkortinformasjonen din, da denne informasjonen er skjult for handelsmenn som oss.

Q11: Why some part of my prescription form is written as "DS"? What does that mean?

A: For delene som er skrevet som "DS", betyr det at det ikke er noen verdi i disse delene. For eksempel, hvis du ser "DS" for CYL og AXS, betyr det at du ikke har astigmatisme, og du kan hoppe over inntastingen for CYL og AXS.

Q12: I wear reader glasses only, how should I order on your website?

A: Lesebrillene korrigerer langsynthet, som er representert med et pluss i SPH. For eksempel, hvis styrken på lesebrillen din er 1,25, betyr det at du bør bestille ved å velge SPH +1,25 for begge øynene.

Q13: Can I use my medical credits / insurance to pay for the lenses?

A: Beklager, vi aksepterer bare betaling med penger, og ingen betaling med kreditter/forsikring vil bli akseptert.

Q14: Do you make prism lenses?

A: Sorry that we do not make prism lenses.